Welcome Back to 2017 and a new round of keen students of Food Skills (aka Home Economics, Food Technology, Food). Many teachers have been requesting recipes that can be prepared, cooked and consumed within a 60 minute timeframe. And that includes sharing food at table, enjoying and eating and cleaning-up too! That’s a real challenge for Food teachers especially when lessons back on to other subjects. We need to complete our lessons in a timely manner and that’s the challenge.
I have attached my Food Skills Curriculum for your use and adaptation. I generally adapt and modify lessons/recipes according to the interests and capability of my students. Mostly, the lessons presented are pretty much the same from year to year. I have included and made reference to text resources within the recipes. You will have your own resources and the resources specified are merely suggestions as a guide, particularly if you are starting from scratch. Let me know if you need any further guidance with text resources. From time to time I like to check out other online resources and I encourage my students to do the same, especially when they become increasingly independent cooks or are required to conduct a student-directed practical activity. I like to use http://www.taste.com.au/ as it is Australian (metric measures), reliable and generally seasonal (for example, recipes for Lamingtons featured on Australia Day) and the ingredients readily available. Apologies to any readers from North America but US sites are not recommended as the ingredients are different, often inaccessible and the recipes are high in sugar or fat and specified in imperial measures (lbs and ozs).
Use your own discretion with the recipes- the ones selected generally meet the 60 minute criteria – (Rice Paper Rolls, Fruity Skewers, Stuffed Potatoes, Savoury Pinwheels); however, others require a little more time and should not be introduced too early in the lesson plan schedule (Pancakes, Spaghetti Bolognese, Pizza).
You will also notice that some of the worksheets include a Teacher Note on the essential skills checklist. This skill checklist is evidence-based on the work covered in my PhD research on the identification of the essential food skills required in skill based healthy eating programs in secondary schools. (PhD Food Skills in Secondary Schools available at http://ro.uow.edu.au/theses/4049/ )
Some general tips:
- I usually conduct a ‘running dem’ (show and tell); that is, dice an onion, roll up a rice paper roll, roll out the pinwheel scone dough, fold up a spinach and cheese triangle
- Have students work in pairs to speed things along (with increased proficiency they will become faster. Some recipes are designed for students to work independently: pizza, stuffed potatoes, fruity skewers)
- Encourage a ‘clean as you go approach’ so that students learn to re-use utensils, wipe down benches, rinse and stack dishes and wash up and dry whilst waiting for food to cook.
- Keep an eye on the time and give students ‘deadlines’ to help them keep to time. For example, have your dough ready to prove by …(specify clock time)
- Keep calm… enjoyment of lessons takes precedence. Keep recipes basic: enjoyment builds confidence and students are more likely to practise these recipes at home for themselves and their families. There is nothing more gratifying when students come to class next lesson with photos and reports of their food accomplishments at home duplicated from their lesson at school.
60 minute lessons_Stuffed Potatoes_microwave
60 minute lessons_SpinachTriangles
60 minute lessons_Rice Paper Rolls
60 minute lessons_Materials Test_Potatoes
60 minute lessons_Four Seasons Fruit
60 minute lesson_SpagBolognese