Food Skills Australia is an advisory and consulting service, founded by Sandra Fordyce-Voorham, that designs and evaluates food education programs in schools, workplaces, communities and organisations. We work with chefs, canteen managers, teachers and all those who want to improve the healthy eating or hand-on food skills of their targeted customers. We help them achieve the very best learning outcomes for their students,customers and course participants.

We can also design a tailor-made program food education for use in your workplace and community setting based on our many years of teaching experience and evidence-based research of what works!

About Sandra

Sandra trained in Home Economics and has been working as a food educator in schools for many years. Her PhD (University of Wollongong) research augments the consultancy work she is currently undertaking in promoting food skills in schools, government departments and communities. She has contributed recipes and food education activities for the Victorian and Queensland state governments. She is a past-President of Home Economics Victoria and Education Chair with the International Federation for Home Economics. Contact Sandra if you need help with developing ideas for food education and evaluation of your practical food programs in schools and communities.